Important Dates & Updates
School Pictures
If you ordered pictures, they are here if you’d like to come in and pick your favorite.
If you didn’t order, you can still order. Just come in and pick your favorite and pay for them.
Mrs. Showalter usually picks out the pictures and will sometimes ask the student for their favorite.
We will be sending in the picture order on Thursday, November 14, 2024.
Quarter 2 Payments are being invoiced.
Quarter 2 payments are being invoiced. Please keep an eye out for an email from SUFS asking you to log in and approve your invoice.
Also, if your child is receiving tutoring, these invoices have also been turned into SUFS. Please go in and approve these invoices as well.
If you want your child to receive tutoring, you need to go to the Marketplace and submit how many hours you wish for tutoring. Every quarter this must be done. Contact Ms. Rebekah if you are unsure as to what to do. She will be happy to assist you.
Hot Meal on Wednesday!
Wednesday, November 13, we will have a hot lunch for students and staff. We will be serving Mac and Cheese and hotdogs. This meal is free and is being provided by an anonymous donor and cooked by Ms. Sandy.
Volunteer Needed on Friday, November 15
We will need help on Friday, November 15, with the pizza order. There are two teachers out that day. Can someone volunteer to come in around 10:40am to go and pick up the pizza and help distribute it to the students? Just let Ms. Cindy know if you can assist, text 941 374 2052.
Revised 24-25 School Calendar
We have sent home the revised school calendar for this year. We are following Sarasota County Schools revision for make up days due to hurricanes. The make up days are in the 2025 section of the calendar.
That Kid Training
That Kid Training dealt with trauma and strategies for helping students who have had trauma. It was well received on Saturday, October 26th. Thank you staff and families for coming out for it.
Brazil is our Focus for November
Brazil will be our next country to study. Can’t wait to learn about this country and maybe sample a treat or two.
December 18, 2024 – Agape Carry-In Meal
On December 18, 2024, we will be having a Christmas Dinner carry in. We are studying different countries and have sampled some different foods. For dinner ideas, maybe you can bring in something that represents your culture. It would be an international meal for all.
Important Dates
November 1—CFA
November 8—Pizza
November 13—Hot lunch (Mac and Cheese and hot dogs)
November 15—Pizza
November 22—CFA
November 25-29—Thanksgiving Break
Thank you for reading. Please connect with me.
Cindy Showalter

Important Dates & Updates
School Pictures
If you ordered pictures, they are here if you’d like to come in and pick your favorite.
If you didn’t order, you can still order. Just come in and pick your favorite and pay for them.
Mrs. Showalter usually picks out the pictures and will sometimes ask the student for their favorite.
We will be sending in the picture order on Thursday, November 14, 2024.
Quarter 2 Payments are being invoiced.
Quarter 2 payments are being invoiced. Please keep an eye out for an email from SUFS asking you to log in and approve your invoice.
Also, if your child is receiving tutoring, these invoices have also been turned into SUFS. Please go in and approve these invoices as well.
If you want your child to receive tutoring, you need to go to the Marketplace and submit how many hours you wish for tutoring. Every quarter this must be done. Contact Ms. Rebekah if you are unsure as to what to do. She will be happy to assist you.
Hot Meal on Wednesday!
Wednesday, November 13, we will have a hot lunch for students and staff. We will be serving Mac and Cheese and hotdogs. This meal is free and is being provided by an anonymous donor and cooked by Ms. Sandy.
Volunteer Needed on Friday, November 15
We will need help on Friday, November 15, with the pizza order. There are two teachers out that day. Can someone volunteer to come in around 10:40am to go and pick up the pizza and help distribute it to the students? Just let Ms. Cindy know if you can assist, text 941 374 2052.
Revised 24-25 School Calendar
We have sent home the revised school calendar for this year. We are following Sarasota County Schools revision for make up days due to hurricanes. The make up days are in the 2025 section of the calendar.
That Kid Training
That Kid Training dealt with trauma and strategies for helping students who have had trauma. It was well received on Saturday, October 26th. Thank you staff and families for coming out for it.
Brazil is our Focus for November
Brazil will be our next country to study. Can’t wait to learn about this country and maybe sample a treat or two.
December 18, 2024 – Agape Carry-In Meal
On December 18, 2024, we will be having a Christmas Dinner carry in. We are studying different countries and have sampled some different foods. For dinner ideas, maybe you can bring in something that represents your culture. It would be an international meal for all.
Important Dates
November 1—CFA
November 8—Pizza
November 13—Hot lunch (Mac and Cheese and hot dogs)
November 15—Pizza
November 22—CFA
November 25-29—Thanksgiving Break
Thank you for reading. Please connect with me.
Cindy Showalter